Are Microbiome Tests Worth It? The Timing of Test Results

Close-up of a person using a microbiome test, one hand holding a swab tube and the other with a sample applicator


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If you do a little shopping around, you may notice that the processing time for microbiome testing varies. Anywhere from 1 - 6 weeks. 

This time distinction is important to make. 

Processing time depends on the type of stool test that you do. Some stool tests are more comprehensive and accurate than others.

These 3 types of stool tests have different processing times

PCR testing of the microbiome has a rapid processing time. You may receive your results in 1 - 2 weeks and the test is sensitive. However, these tests must be ordered through your healthcare provider, are very expensive, and are limited to specific microbes that the test looks for.

16S rRNA sequencing is another technology used by companies offering microbiome testing. Processing time may range from 2 - 3 weeks. Even though 16S may offer a more rapid processing time and tends to be more affordable, it’s not a technology that we recommend. In the case of 16S, you get what you pay for.

Besides high numbers of false positives and low accuracy, 16S technology only looks at bacteria, whereas shotgun metagenomics looks at everything including parasites, fungi/yeast, protists, and viruses. Also, 16S is unable to give species/strain level and functional insights.

Tiny Health uses shotgun metagenomics, the most advanced sequencing technology in microbiome research.

Although processing times are slightly longer, shotgun metagenomic sequencing gives you the most accurate and comprehensive overall picture of gut composition and health. This type of microbiome testing provides strain-level resolution and it reveals the metabolic functions of the bacteria in the sample. Such as the ability to break down special milk sugars (HMOs) or to produce protective short-chain fatty acids.

The benefit of microbiome testing during a baby’s first 1,000 days

Tiny Health gut tests work best when multiple samples are taken over time. Especially within a baby’s first 1,000 days, which includes 9 months of pregnancy and a baby’s first two years. 

This gives parents a clear understanding of gut and gut-related immune development. 

So are microbiome tests worth it? These tests can show any underlying gut imbalances that may need to be addressed - before there’s a problem. Or even when symptoms have temporarily cleared, gut testing can pinpoint the root cause of common troubles like silent reflux or eczema.

If a baby’s immune system isn’t set up correctly in early life, which may be related to low levels of specific good bacteria, it may trigger a series of immune-mediated issues. Specifically, allergic conditions such as eczema and food allergies

This is where microbiome testing comes in. 

The first test you do with Tiny Health is called the “baseline sample.” Ideally, we capture your baseline sample before any big changes in diet or supplementation. The baseline sample gives insight into the status of overall microbiome health. 

It’s worth pointing out that baseline sampling is most helpful when testing the microbiome of older children and adults. It’s less relevant with babies, since the baby gut microbiome changes so dramatically over the course of the first year. 

Regardless of age, after a baseline sample, additional tests can help parents pivot when there has been antibiotic exposure, the addition of supplements, or when beginning solid foods.

How to use test results when life goes on during processing time

A baby’s first 1,000 days pass quickly. And while shotgun metagenomic sequencing is the gold standard for microbiome testing, processing time can sometimes take up to 4 weeks. 

A lot can change in 4 weeks. But from a microbiome perspective, this doesn’t limit the level of insight because:

  • Besides some day to day fluctuation, the core toddler and adult microbiome is very stable. For example, the samples of one individual over time are much more similar to each other than those from different people.
  • A baby’s microbiome and immune development take place over the course of 3-6 months. So waiting ~4 weeks for helpful insights still gives you time to implement changes.

Things that can drastically affect the microbiome and influence resampling decisions:

  • Did you start a probiotic? With your microbiome test results, you can now know if it contains the species that may help you or your baby.
  • Was there exposure to antibiotics? To help with antibiotic recovery, it’s best to find out if your baby has any evidence of an antibiotic resistance signature as soon as possible.
  • Started solids? Solid foods can increase the diversity of the gut. Having the pre-solids sample helps us to capture any earlier microbiome signatures that may be lost once solids start. 

Ideally, you would collect a baseline sample, since then you’re equipped to understand the effect of these changes on the gut microbiome.

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Explore deep insights and science-backed advice with microbiome tests for the entire family.